This week was the first book club for the Defining Gray 2017 revised edition, and I’m pleased to announce it was a great success. For this event, I had made a special, one-time, pre-release edition specifically for “The Street” book club, which included the member’s names and a picture of their street on the back cover. This, I figured, was one of few perks to being a self-published author!
The consensus from the club is that DG is ready to go, (no more typos, finally!) and they are looking forward to the sequel. They also asked why I self-published instead of finding a publisher. If you are also curious, here is a little history:
In January of 2008, my uncle Richard said to my dad: “Tell that daughter of yours to get her book finished and published before the deuce!” The deuce, as mentioned in Defining Gray, is a slang term for the Icelandic Independence Day celebration in Mountain, N.D. that takes place during the weekend of (or before or after) August 2nd.